Best Spa and Wellness Retreat in Gold Coast Australia

I was recently invited by the Australian Tourism Board to experience the best of Australia. One of my first stops was a visit to Gwingana Lifestyle Retreat – one of the best spas and wellness retreats in Australia –  for a few days of relaxation and rejuvenation. As a new mom, I was desperate for some self [...]

Best Spa and Wellness Retreat in Gold Coast Australia2017-07-26T19:25:36+00:00

Sightseeing Tour Sydney in a Cool Vintage Car

When I think of Sydney Australia, several iconic images come to mind: the Harbor, the bridge and the iconic Opera House, perhaps a Koala or two available for a cuddle at the Zoo. While those spots are awesome, many tourists may be interested in seeing a more ‘local’ side of the city. While in Sydney, [...]

Sightseeing Tour Sydney in a Cool Vintage Car2017-08-03T03:28:56+00:00

Best Places to Go Along Australia’s Gold Coast

For many, the land “Down Unda” is a country of koalas, kangaroos, Crocodile Dundees and sexy male actors…ahem Chris Hemsworth (swoon). While all those elements might certainly make up part of the Aussie cultural landscape, this vast country (roughly the same size as continental USA), is far more diverse and complex than the cinematic stereotypes. [...]

Best Places to Go Along Australia’s Gold Coast2017-08-02T21:47:38+00:00

Sydney by Drag Queen

After meeting our tour guide 'Kara Van Park,' a hairy-chested, 40-year-old ‘dude’ decked out in a red sequin gown, a pink frilly boa and a Tina Turner wig, I realized that Sydney by Diva is not your typical tourist attraction. Hosted by some of the city’s top female impersonators, this three-hour bus tour dishes out unconventional Sydney facts with a comedic, drag queen twist. It's part city tour, part diva crash-course.

Sydney by Drag Queen2017-08-03T16:01:17+00:00